Handicraft and well-being workshops

Handicraft and well-being workshops at Seinäjoki Taitokeskus are creative and enjoyable moments of togetherness where everyone can unleash their creativity. Choose from various workshops under the skilled guidance of Seinäjoki Taitokeskus.

Taito Etelä-Pohjanmaa, +358 44 3201 640, leena.olli@taitoep.fi

Creative evening – art workshop

The creative evening is an art workshop suitable for events like team-building days, bachelorette parties, or social gatherings. Participants will explore the current exhibition in Kunsthalle Seinäjoki before creating their own artwork. No prior art experience is required.

The workshop takes place in Itikka, Kammio, or an exhibition space surrounded by art. Catering can be arranged from the Äärellä-restaurant. Maximum group size is 20 people. Workshop duration is 1.5–2 hours.

Kunsthalle Seinäjoki, +358 44 754 1779, taidehalli@seinajoki.fi